
Negative/Positive Pressure Waterless Traps

Our Products

The Air-Trap™ allows liquid condensate to drain from the HVAC equipment and simultaneously prevents air from entering or escaping from the equipment.

PLP-Series Air-Trap™

Positive Pressure Low-profile Air-Trap

FCN-Series Air-Trap™

Compact Residential/Lite Commercial Negative Pressure Waterless Trap

N-Series Air-Trap™

Negative Pressure Waterless Trap

P-Series Air-Trap™

Positive Pressure Waterless Trap

RLC-Series Air-Trap™

Residential/Lite Commercial Negative/Positive Waterless Trap


Unions with Built-in Strainer

Made in the USA

All our products are developed and manufactured by Des Champs Technologies. A research and development driven company that uses and markets next generation technology. Based in Virginia, USA.

Scandinavian Distributor:

Air-Trap Scandinavia

C/O Energiteknik Lolland ApS  

Jesper Frederiksen

Klostervænget 1a

4900 Nakskov

+45 29440005

The FCN-Series Air-Trap™, N-Series Air-Trap™, P-Series Air-Trap™, RLC-Series Air-Trap™ and Union-Strainer™ are trademarks of Des Champs Technologies. All products are developed and manufactured by Des Champs Technologies, Virginia, USA.